You have questions, we have answers.

iNet Media was founded in 2012, since our inception we have grown to support over 250 brands across Canada and the USA.

No problem, we meet to find the right fit for your marketing strategy and business. Many of our clients only need support in a few areas or have in-house marketing teams.

We meet with our clients in person or virtually to understand your goals. Quick quotes over the phone or email don’t do anyone justice. Each client is provided with a detailed and customized quote based on their marketing goals, competition, industry, and service region.

Third-party templates and themes bloat your website with code and slow down your page load speed. Even worse, your SEO strategy will always be impacted negatively. iNet Media hand-codes our websites ensuring a Google compliant website that is built for marketing.

We believe Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is more than another marketing channel, it is the heart of your marketing strategy. Both traditional and digital marketing lead back to Search Engines, making your SEO strategy the heart of your marketing’s success.

Beware SEO agencies and SEO specialists that offer page 1 guarantees. Nobody can guarantee Page 1 positioning on Google. Instead, look for an experienced SEO strategy that offers measurable results with tracked conversions that you confirm to be important for your business.

No, buying links goes against Google’s best practice guidelines and will only temporarily increase ranking, then negatively impact your ranking by driving spam traffic to your website. Google will also crawl your website each month and find instances of paid linking. This can penalize your website and harm your SEO rankings. Backlinks are best generated organically by finding unique opportunities suited to your business and industry.

Yes however SEO is not executed by one specialist. There are important actions that are managed by not only an SEO specialist but also UX Designers, website developers, content writers. SEO strategies require custom content, website development, UX design, and more. On average we have 4-5 team members managing each of our SEO projects. Remember that an SEO specialist needs a competent team to implement their strategy.

WordPress is not the culprit, what gets attached to WordPress needs to be highly considered. Since the rollout of Core Web Vitals in 2021, websites need to be built on a Google-compliant framework meaning that websites must not be built with a website theme, template, website builder, or do-it-yourself platform. These platforms are built to include multiple layers of functionality, third-party plugins, and bloated code that will negatively impact your website. This code and functionality cannot be removed therefore it will harm the website. iNet Media hand codes our websites into WordPress to provide our clients with a back-end website management system they are familiar with without the bloated/extra code.

Every client’s business needs are unique. SEO is priced according to your industry, region, level of competition, and current keyword position ranking. Our team will build a customized SEO strategy specific to your industry’s ranking factors and your business goals. Our strategies are affordable for the weekly work involved and are billed on a monthly basis at an agreed rate.

Social media platforms acquire their targeting data from several sources. These include user-provided information, such as profile details and interests that individuals share on their social media accounts. Platforms also gather data from user interactions, such as comments, likes, and shares, which provide data into users’ interest and behaviors. Social media platforms may acquire data from third-party providers which can include demographic information, online activities, and offline purchase behaviors. It’s important to note that user privacy and data protection measures are in place to safeguard personal information.

Social media ads are an exceptional format of digital advertising. As a social media ad agency, it is important for us to note that although social media ads can target users by a variety of methods, social media ads are a form of targeted branding. These ads will be seen by those scrolling through their social media platforms. It is always important for businesses to generate leads from those who are searching or at a ready-to-buy stage.

Yes absolutely, however we will always review any ads to ensure best practice is applied. We may need to make design amendments to ads to ensure the highest performance and conversions. Most clients rely on our in-house UX design team to craft their visual display ads. This allows us to keep ads consistent with other forms of branding and messaging.

Absolutely, although our core display service offering is generally Facebook,Instagram and/or LinkedIn however we do provide social media display ads for other platforms such as Tik Tok, Snapchat and Twitter.

Social Media display ads are priced based on various factors, including competition, region, targeting options, ad quality, and budget set by the advertiser. There are also several forms of pricing models with each platform such as Cost Per Click (CPC) where you only pay for each click your ad generates used more commonly driving website traffic or generating leads. Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM): Where you pay for every thousand impressions of their ad. Cost Per Engagement (CPE): Billing only for specific user engagements, such as video views, likes, comments, or shares. And lastly Cost Per Action (CPA): Where you pay only when a specific action, such as a purchase or sign-up, is completed by a user.

At iNet, we ensure display advertising success through clear, measurable goals tailored to your business objectives. We track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Our regular reporting and analysis will provide you with a detailed understanding of how your display ads are driving value for your business.

Our team uses sophisticated targeting tools and data to reach your desired audience. We incorporate demographic targeting, behavioral targeting, remarketing, contextual targeting and geographical targeting to ensure your display ads reach the right people at the right time. Each approach is tailored to your brand and industry for the most effective results.

We believe that each business is unique and requires a tailored budgeting strategy. We consider your business size, industry, competition, and overall marketing budget to recommend an appropriate investment for your display advertising. This approach ensures that you maximize ROI while staying within your budget.

Our agency prides itself on staying at the cutting edge of display ad best practices. We focus on creating effective and compelling ad designs, engaging messaging, and clear calls-to-action; as well as optimizing landing pages to increase conversions and quality scores. Additionally, we use robust testing and analytics to continuously improve ad performance over time.

Brand safety is a top priority for us at iNet Media. We utilize advanced tools and best practice measures to prevent your display ads from appearing next to inappropriate content or websites that are not relevant to your business or audience. Additionally, we closely monitor display ad placements and viewability metrics to ensure your brand is showcased in the best way possible.

Our design is agnostic, meaning that we can design in any style. UX design encompasses a variety of different styles such as minimalistic, modern, traditional, corporate, educational, photographic, typography-driven and many more. We have won several UX Design awards for the designs we have created. Our goal is to design digital products that speak to your audience and help tell your story while driving more conversions and building brand equity.

Our UX Design team are experts in Adobe’s creative suite of products. Mainly we use Adobe XD which is a powerful design and prototyping design tool that enables our team to craft interactive user interfaces and experiences for websites, display ads, and other digital graphics.

UX Design is fundamental to keeping people on your website and encouraging conversions. A website that is truly built for its audience allows you to assist those searching for your products and services to make more informed decisions. Google has made several changes to encourage businesses to increase the user experience of their websites. This provides your customers with a visually compelling website that will function much better with your marketing.

No, everything that we build is custom-designed meaning we have taken the time to better understand your business and to research and analyze your marketing goals and message. Our design team will work directly with you to establish everything they require prior to getting started. Unfortunately, many agencies are still using website builders, themes and do-it-yourself platforms which use very templated designs. Our team will ensure you will be proud and approve of the look of your website to enjoy it for years to come.

The simplest answer is as many as it requires. We start by creating two variations of your homepage. This provides a different perspective and design style. Once you have decided on a design that you prefer we then move ahead on the designs of any interior pages and mobile designs. Our team works closely with you throughout the project to ensure we get your vision along with the requirements of your website correct. Although it is rare to go through multiple revision stages, our team will ensure you approve the design before we proceed to develop it.

Hand-coded websites offer high customization, unique design, superior SEO, improved performance and a better user experience. Web-builder and template websites offer limited personalization and heavy performance drawbacks. For a truly distinctive and high-performing online presence, a hand-coded website provides a significant advantage over templates and builders.

The cost of a website varies on several factors such as complexity, UX design, functionality, and development requirements. We meet with all our clients to understand what will be required in a build and customize a website strategy based on your needs for your audience.

Yes absolutely, unfortunately most agencies are ignoring core web vitals and still building websites using front end developers that are more suited for working with a website theme, template, builder or do-it-yourself website builder. We see the negative impact of every business where their website does not meet core web vitals compliance. This results in a loss of organic keyword ranking, organic traffic, domain authority and most importantly loss of new lead opportunities.

Yes, all of our website products are built custom to our clients needs. This includes any custom integrations such as CRM integrations, booking platforms, ERP, online shops and any other third party technology. As a web development agency we provide our clients with full stack developers that can custom code any solution or requirement.

Our process starts with your team meeting ours; we introduce you to the in-house specialists that will be working on your website. You will meet our UI/UX Designers, Content Writer, Web Developer, and SEO Lead. From here we begin to gain an understanding of your business’s needs and goals.

The timeline of a new website build can vary depending on the website’s complexity, the level of customization required, the number of pages, and the need for special features or functionality. iNet’s specialists provide a significant advantage by being in-house, allowing them to be accessible, responsive and timely.

On average we post content 3-4 times per week. This provides most businesses with enough content to generate great engagement. Each business’s needs are different and we may recommend or our clients may require more frequent posting which can be discussed in a meeting.

Social Media provides valuable content to your audience to help educate, inform and provide news and promotions to your market. Although many people do not use social media, your audience is. Over 4.2 billion people access social media platforms daily.

Yes absolutely, content is always most powerful when it comes from our clients. We encourage all clients to collaborate and participate during the content creation process. This provides more insight to your business and helps to align any messaging.

Absolutely, our social media managers will provide you with access to a scheduling tool to review and edit any content prior to being posted.

There is no issue if you haven’t set up any social media platforms yet. We work with many businesses who have started up or haven’t created their profiles. We can walk you through the set up or set up platforms on your behalf for an extra fee.

Our reporting and measurement services are included at no additional cost for all iNet Media clients. This includes 24/7 access to your reporting dashboard, a monthly reporting email summary, data analysis, and marketing performance meetings.

Your team will always have 24/7 access to your detailed reporting dashboard. Additionally, we will send your team a summary reporting email detailing the performance of your top channels and key metrics.

You let us know which team members require access to the reporting dashboard and we will provide it. Users with access to the dashboard can view all marketing channel data freely at any time. We can adjust, add, or remove user access for your team at any time.

We measure for over 200 data points providing the most important kpi’s. Most importantly, we measure your conversions, and this is how we define your success. We track the important core conversions such as calls, online sales, clicks and form-fills, however, we also work with your team to identify conversions unique to your business.

Yes, our reporting dashboard provides multiple native integrations to support all of your marketing channels. We also provide API integrations to support your unique marketing channels and to provide complex reporting solutions.