890% increase in leads over the last 12 months

This case study underscores the significant rise in potential client interest and engagement through targeted digital marketing and effective campaign management.

41% drop in Cost Per Click

Our strategic optimization of PPC campaigns led to a substantial reduction in costs, enhancing overall marketing efficiency alongside a 210% increase in conversions from organic traffic.

210% increase in conversions from organic traffic

Reflects a strong improvement in attracting and converting visitors through expertly executed SEO strategies.

66% increase in engaged session organic traffic

This growth indicates an enhanced user experience, leading to deeper and more meaningful interactions on the website.

Phone calls increased from an average of 52 per month to 614 per month

A significant rise in monthly client interactions, illustrating the effectiveness of our revamped digital marketing efforts.

The family psychology place web on desktop


First truck stats

The Marketing Challenge

The Family Psychology Place initially struggled with a non-intuitive website and lacked essential Google tools for effective measurement and local SEO, which impeded their online visibility and performance measurement.

Poor paid search campaign performance

Their PPC efforts were inefficient and costly, lacking a strategic approach and resulting in subpar engagement rates.

No SEO strategy

The absence of a systematic SEO approach prevented the clinic from maximizing organic search potential to increase visibility and client acquisition.

Limited traffic acquisition data

Previously, inadequate data collection and analysis hindered their ability to track, analyze, and optimize their marketing strategies effectively.

No understanding of user behaviour

A lack of deep insights into how potential clients interacted with their website and ads made it challenging to tailor user experiences and optimize conversion paths effectively.

Team members discussing


After taking over from a previous agency, we completely rebuilt the website and restructured its marketing approach. This overhaul resulted in a dramatic increase in client interactions, with phone calls skyrocketing from 52 to 614 per month using the same budget.

We also significantly enhanced SEO, paid search, and measurement practices, leading to a comprehensive understanding of audience behavior and a remarkable improvement in traffic quality and conversion rates.