63% increase in overall conversions over the last 12 months

This case study exemplifies the sustainable growth achievable through dedicated digital marketing strategies and proficient management of PPC campaigns.

6% drop in Cost Per Click year-over-year

Accompanied by a robust 97% increase in conversions from organic traffic, showcasing more effective and efficient campaign management.

97% increase in conversions from organic traffic

Reflects a strong performance in enhancing the visibility and appeal of the site through organic search strategies.

48% increase in engaged session organic traffic

This significant rise in engagement rates highlights our successful efforts in enhancing user interaction analytics and experience.

Hitch shop web on desktop


First truck stats

The Marketing Challenge

Hitch Shop was hampered by a fragmented online presence with poor UI/UX and no integration of crucial Google tools, impeding effective local SEO and precise performance measurement.

Poor paid search campaign performance

Their previous PPC campaigns were characterized by inefficiencies that led to high expenses and low user engagement.

No SEO strategy

Lack of a systematic SEO approach previously limited their capacity to capitalize on organic search as a means to drive traffic and conversions.

Limited traffic acquisition data

The absence of comprehensive data hindered their ability to analyze and optimize marketing campaigns effectively.

No understanding of user behaviour

Previously, there was a gap in understanding how visitors interacted with their website and ads, which prevented effective optimization based on user preferences.

Team members discussing


We undertook a comprehensive redevelopment of the Hitch Shop’s website to enhance UI/UX design, technical architecture, and mobile responsiveness. We implemented and optimized essential Google products, significantly improving the precision and effectiveness of PPC campaigns and measurement capabilities.

These improvements have led to an in-depth understanding of user engagement, significantly increasing the quality of traffic and conversion rates, driving Hitch Shop’s continued success in their digital marketing efforts.