950% increase in overall conversions over the last 12 months

This case study showcases the remarkable effectiveness of our tailored digital marketing strategies in a highly competitive dental industry.

10% drop in Cost Per Click in a very competitive industry

Our optimized paid search campaigns have significantly reduced costs, making them more efficient, alongside a massive 539% increase in conversions from organic traffic.

539% increase in conversions from organic traffic

Demonstrates a major improvement in attracting and converting users through finely-tuned SEO practices.

44% increase in engaged session organic traffic

This increase highlights an enhanced user experience, leading to more meaningful interactions with the website.

6 new patients a day

A consistent increase in patient bookings, averaging six new patients every day due to improved online visibility and engagement.

Brentwood village dental web on desktop


First truck stats

The Marketing Challenge

Brentwood Village Dental faced significant online challenges, including a confusing website structure and lack of essential Google tools, which impeded effective local SEO and accurate performance measurement.

Poor paid search campaign performance

Their PPC campaigns previously lacked direction and efficiency, leading to high costs and low conversion rates.

No SEO strategy

The absence of a systematic SEO approach prevented the practice from maximizing organic search potential to increase visibility and patient acquisition.

Limited traffic acquisition data

Insufficient data collection and analysis previously restricted their ability to evaluate and enhance their digital marketing strategies.

No understanding of user behaviour

A lack of deep insights into how potential patients interacted with their website and ads made it difficult to tailor experiences and improve engagement.

Team members discussing


In collaboration with the Brentwood Village Dental team, we significantly enhanced their digital marketing approach. By closely analyzing the revenue generated from our Google Ads, we discovered that each year, our marketing strategies have nearly doubled their revenue. This success translated into an average of six new patients every day.

We also enhanced SEO, paid search, and overall measurement, leading to significant improvements in traffic quality and conversion rates, thus driving substantial growth in new patient revenue.