What is Reputation Management?

What is reputation management inet media calgary alberta

We’ve all seen them, negative comments or reviews about a business or person online, they appear in the form of a blog post, newspaper article, social media or review site. Unfortunately, customers are more likely to leave a negative comment about your business instead of a positive one.

For example, if you’ve had a bad experience at a certain restaurant, then very quickly and easily you’ll leave a review on Yelp or Google and within 5 minutes the experience is shared. These reviews can dominate the search results pages so they’re hard to avoid. Would you like to know almost straight away where and when these reviews are posted? …read on.

Studies suggest that a whopping 80% of potential customers, read reviews on Google and other review sites before calling or making a purchase, so a single bad review or comment online, can damage your business?

While you can’t always get the negative comments deleted, but there are things you can do to manage them. Take back control of your online reputation by monitoring where and when comments are made and creating a plan of action to deal with them.

“Did you know that by dealing with an upset customer they can often remove their review/comment and actually become your biggest advocate?”

How can iNet Media help?

Our traffic monitoring systems gather the data needed to get a complete picture of your online reputation. Including:

Monitoring Online Mentions

Our platform can track EVERY Tweet and indexed blog post to give a complete understanding of what people are saying about you 24/7. For example, I personally want to be informed of any mentions of my name ‘Jules Winfield’, there is an infamous film character played by Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction called ‘Jules Winnfield’ so I would add Pulp Fiction, Samuel L Jackson, basketball coach and Film(s) to my negative keywords. Should any mention of those negative keywords appear in the same article, post or tweet as my name, then this mention wouldn’t be in our report. You can do the same with your competition’s names too, so you keep an eye on what is being said about them and what articles etc are being written by them too.

Online Review Monitoring

With over 33 million local reviews on Google and Yelp, it’s clear customers are sharing their experiences online, not only their experiences, but some leave reviews to intentionally smear one’s name or company. Online comments can be broken down into two categories: structured and unstructured mentions. Our system hunts for both, making it simple to track what people are saying wherever they’re saying it.

  • Structured mentions are already classified or ranked in some way. These include reviews based on numerical or star ratings that come from sites like Google+, Yelp, BBB and UrbanSpoon.
  • Unstructured mentions come from anywhere on the web where someone has mentioned a business without an explicit rating. For example, tweets, blog posts and news articles.

Our platform will automatically determine the sentiment of unstructured mentions, making it easy to see if the writer was satisfied or not, and again we’ll report all mentions back to you, advising you if you should act on it or not.

Competitive Benchmarking

Keeping on top of your competitor’s marketing schedule, used to be as easy as picking up a flier, seeing their ad in a newspaper or driving past their storefront window. Online, it’s not that simple. Businesses have profiles and campaigns all over the web. With our Reputation Monitoring, it’s easy to monitor competition on Facebook, Twitter, and foursquare and see how your own business stacks up against theirs.