Mobile Friendly Websites in 2020

Mobile websites in 2020 inet media calgary alberta

Five years ago, on April 21, 2015, Google launched a mobile-friendly algorithm update that would have significant impacts on businesses worldwide. The changes are designed to improve user experience and reward companies and organizations that adopt mobile best practices.

The algorithm changes are considered some of the biggest changes the search giant has introduced in years, signalling an opportunity for small businesses to make a swift shift to mobile-ready responsive sites.

In 2020, larger companies are still struggling to adapt to the necessary mobile compatibility changes. Small businesses with quick-thinking can take advantage of the opportunity by becoming mobile-ready and strategizing around their audience’s mobile engagement data.

5 Things to Know About the 2015 Mobile Update in 2020

  1. Continue to manage your website’s Desktop layout, only now you will add the Mobile layout to every quality check and maintenance check days
  2. Complete a Mobile-Friendly test
  3. Monitor your mobile traffic and engagement – check how your audience uses your mobile website
  4. The update has happened already, but it’s not too late to take action
  5. Now is the time to build a mobile strategy for your business’s website – talk to professionals if you need help