We hand-code our websites to meet Google’s multiple ranking factors and to be marketing ready.

The digital marketing industry is facing a serious issue with today’s website development standards. Other agencies rely on website builders and use front-end developers, creating unresponsive websites that do not meet Google’s ranking factors.

Our highly experienced, in-house, full-stack website developers ensure your website is responsive, flexible and sustainable. We build to Google’s development standards and ensure your website loads quickly for your customers.

Website page load speed


iNet Media’s experienced in-house SEO team treats your business as if it were our own.

Our proven SEO process has provided outstanding results for thousands of businesses worldwide. Our SEO specialists work with companies of all sizes, from start-ups to international corporations across all industries – combining our SEO experience with your in-depth industry knowledge. We work to generate quality conversions and relevant traffic for your business; meeting with your team regularly to review real results in your website’s analytics and marketing data.

Web demo on differnt screens


A website is a crucial part of your business’s marketing strategy. Your website is your online storefront, providing the ability to showcase products, services, and information, establishing credibility, attracting customers, and facilitating online interactions


We specialize in crafting impeccable websites, creating the perfect digital home for your brand.

Your website represents your business online, and it should be streamlined, informative, and professional. Our websites are designed to showcase your products, services, and capabilities in a beautiful and user-friendly layout that makes sense for your business.

Whether you are a startup seeking a basic online presence, or an established corporation needing a platform to demonstrate your credibility, we focus on understanding your unique needs and align them with your goals. Our design and development process ensures that your online identity not only captivates your audience but also creates a robust digital presence that communicates your business’s value effectively.

Crafting websites


Ecommerce website

Our team also excels in the design and development of advanced eCommerce websites, transforming your online presence into a powerful selling tool.

Our eCommerce websites provide a dynamic, transactional portal that enables your customers to learn about your products and/or services and purchase them directly from your website.

With a focus on user-friendly design, secure transactions, and seamless integration with inventory management systems, our development team works to deliver an intuitive shopping experience that drives sales and growth. We leverage the best eCommerce platforms and technologies, creating custom solutions to match your specific business needs and objectives. Whether you’re an up-and-coming boutique or a large-scale retailer, we can equip your business with the tools your team needs to succeed.

Web develper coding


Key attributes of a properly built website: responsive on all devices, flexible for business changes, scaleable for growth, sustainable for longevity, and measurable for customer research.


A hand-coded website provides complete control over design and functionality, enabling a truly bespoke user experience.

Hand-coding means your website is not bound by the limitations of web-builders or templates and can be tailored to your business’s needs and goals. Hand-coding also results in cleaner, leaner code, which improves website performance and page load speed. Moreover, hand-coding provides better SEO and SEM outcomes as it allows for fine-tuned control over all the elements that search engines evaluate.

Hand cosded


Happy user ux

User Experience is the psychology and ergonomics of your website’s design for your users.

A website with a good user experience (UX) is crucial in maintaining user satisfaction, engagement, and retention. UX encompasses how easy the website is to use, how intuitively information is organized, and how smooth navigation is from one section to another. Good UX design reduces user frustration, encourages longer visits, and increases the likelihood of a customer converting into a lead or sale. Poor UX can deter potential customers and negatively impact a business’s reputation.


Compliance with Google’s Core Web Vitals is essential for achieving good search engine rankings and visibility.

Google’s Core Web Vitals are specific factors that Google considers important in a webpage’s overall user experience. These factors include load time (Largest Contentful Paint), interactivity (First Input Delay), and visual stability (Cumulative Layout Shift). Websites that perform well on these technical parameters will rank higher in Google’s search results, leading to increased visibility, relevant engagement, and more traffic.

Website page speed


Web content

Google’s Helpful Content update is a new algorithm improvement designed to rank websites that produce high-quality helpful content written by people, for people.

Hand-written, high-quality content on your website is essential for establishing your business in your industry. This not only attracts users seeking reliable information but also builds stronger customer relationships through heightened trust and brand loyalty. Investing in help content for your customers enhances your website’s visibility, bolsters your brand’s reputation, increases user engagement, and promotes customer trust.


Google’s E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust) is a vital factor in how Google evaluates websites and content.

Websites that demonstrate a high level of E-E-A-T rank better in search results. Experience speaks to your subject matter expertise; expertise refers to your depth of knowledge; authority is about the reputation of your website or content; and trust pertains to the credibility, accuracy and reliability of your website and content. Compliance with E-E-A-T guidelines is important in establishing your website as a respected, trusted source of information.

Google eeat


Online shop website

A mobile-responsive website is a must in today’s digital landscape.

With a significant percentage of internet users accessing the web via mobile devices, it’s critical that your website looks good and functions well on all device types and screen sizes. A mobile-responsive design ensures that your site’s layout, images, and functionalities adjust automatically to the user’s device. This improves the user experience and boosts engagement and conversions. Additionally, Google uses mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor, so a mobile-responsive site can improve your SEO and SEM performance.


Website security is paramount for protecting your website, content and information.

Website downtime can be detrimental to your business and expensive to repair. iNet ensures this does not happen with secure website development and hosting. Websites using builders and themes tend to be more susceptible to hacks due to multiple sources of entry via the number of plugins needed to support the website’s functions. Our hand-coded websites are without third party plugins and bloated code, effectively reducing the points of entry for hackers and malware. We help your business maintain the trust of your customers with a secure website.

Url bar


Conversion measurement data

Conversion measurement on your website is important for understanding the effectiveness of your website, marketing efforts, and customer engagement.

By tracking conversions, whether they’re product purchases, form submissions, clicks to call, or newsletter sign-ups, you can see what’s working on your website and what’s not. These data-driven insights guide our team in making strategic improvements and informed decisions about your content, design, and marketing strategies. Additionally, data science and conversion measurement provides insights into your Return on Investment (ROI), helping your team allocate marketing resources effectively.

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iNet Media boasts a team of 24 Calgary-based staff and our website development team consists of full-stack developers with experience building within Google’s development guidelines.


We focus on building websites that last. We hand-code for fast page load speeds and create marketing-ready websites that measure conversions, traffic and engagement.


Our experienced team maintains industry-leading knowledge by keeping up with the latest updates in Google’s dev guidelines, annual dev conferences, relevant courses, and helpful webinars.


Each business’s website has unique functionality needs and conversion goals. The iNet team works with your business to customize a website that works for your audience. Unfortunately most agencies still use builders, themes, templates which cause your site to be non-compliant.


Our team sets up all important conversions for each client, detailing each lead we generate. Our easy-to-understand, fully detailed monthly reporting highlights the growth of each chosen keyword along with your conversion data with a monthly summary of your top metrics to keep everything transparent.


Unfortunately over 90% of agencies outsource their website development; iNet’s in-house team ensures we are available to your team and proactive when website maintenance is needed. We are also available when products or services change or your business grows and the website needs to reflect the changes.


Our development team builds marketing-ready websites by establishing core conversion tracking immediately after launch.

A marketing-ready website means your website is ready to track your customer’s traffic, engagement, and conversions right away. Tracking analytics and core conversions are set immediately for every website we build. If our team is working with a previously built website, tracking and conversions are the first things we establish.

Web dev results


Digital marketing is constantly evolving, iNet Media’s team stays current with the latest certifications.

Faqs banner


You have questions, we have answers.

Hand-coded websites offer high customization, unique design, superior SEO, improved performance and a better user experience. Web-builder and template websites offer limited personalization and heavy performance drawbacks. For a truly distinctive and high-performing online presence, a hand-coded website provides a significant advantage over templates and builders.

The cost of a website varies on several factors such as complexity, UX design, functionality, and development requirements. We meet with all our clients to understand what will be required in a build and customize a website strategy based on your needs for your audience.

Yes absolutely, unfortunately most agencies are ignoring core web vitals and still building websites using front end developers that are more suited for working with a website theme, template, builder or do-it-yourself website builder. We see the negative impact of every business where their website does not meet core web vitals compliance. This results in a loss of organic keyword ranking, organic traffic, domain authority and most importantly loss of new lead opportunities.

Yes, all of our website products are built custom to our clients needs. This includes any custom integrations such as CRM integrations, booking platforms, ERP, online shops and any other third party technology. As a web development agency we provide our clients with full stack developers that can custom code any solution or requirement.

Our process starts with your team meeting ours; we introduce you to the in-house specialists that will be working on your website. You will meet our UI/UX Designers, Content Writer, Web Developer, and SEO Lead. From here we begin to gain an understanding of your business’s needs and goals.

The timeline of a new website build can vary depending on the website’s complexity, the level of customization required, the number of pages, and the need for special features or functionality. iNet’s specialists provide a significant advantage by being in-house, allowing them to be accessible, responsive and timely.